Sunday 16 October 2011

Foreground Project

Last friday we had to go to Greenhihe and take photos, rubbings and objects.
The photos and objects we are supposed to compose together in a narrative way, so they all recommend eachother and together can flow as one piece of work. They may have an impact individually but must have a greater impact when put together.
I am thinking of the ways to represent my work, either on the wall or on the floor. Maybe half and half.

These photos are the photos I decided to pick out (we are allowed to edit them) 
We must pick 5

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Greenhithe Photos-Background Project 1


The idea is to go to our projected site and record data.
After walking 1 1/2 kilometres across the environment we stood bellow one of the two largest pylons in England.
Our next task was to make 5 sketches and 5 photos of the area.
The post before this one is the five sketches I made, the one after is of the 5 photos I took. 

Sketches of Greenhithe- Background Project 1

Tuesday 4 October 2011


I dont know what this really is about =p
So let me start by saying that prob this will be a blog about my work and my thoughts ideas and stuff.
Dont think it will be of much interest to anyone but myself... but I guess that is the whole point... =p